Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro, Your Secure, Unattended Car Wash

Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro
The cashless Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro solution for express car washes, In-bays, and the petroleum market.
The Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro by ICS, is a cost-effective solution for providing your customers with the convenience of a cashless express lane along with our RFID or LPR Auto Passport systems.
By dedicating a lane for customers paying by credit card or utilizing their wash club membership - you can reduce your upfront costs, improve throughput, and enhance customer convenience with the Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro.
The Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro provides EMV credit card processing, Tap N Pay, and mobile wallets allow customers to pay with the confidence of a safe and secure transaction.
Video marketing on the Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro will drive customers to upgrade their club programs and extra service options - increasing revenue and informing your customers of your valued services. Custom-branded Payment Terminal Auto Sentry Petro, videos, and graphics are created by The Agency At ICS. The Agency provides car wash marketing services exclusively for ICS customers. For more information on The Agency’s car wash marketing services, visit: www.TheAgencyAtICS.com.
Payment Terminal Auto Sentry® Petro Offers the Best Choice for All Your Car Wash Needs
EMV Chip and NFC Card Readers with PINless Debit
Full EMV PCI Compliant Solutions
EMV Tap Cards and Mobile Wallets Accepted
Card Holder Data Encrypted at the Device and Sent Direct to Processor
No Card Data Ever Touched or Stored by ICS Software
PIN Debit is Optional
Real-time Multi-site Data
Multi-site Code Acceptance
24/7 Support
Over 30 Years Serving the Car Wash Industry