Sell Washes directly from your Gas Pumps with our Fuel Pump Interface

Fuel Pump Interface
Increase volume by selling car washes at the gas pumps. The Fuel Pump Interface, NetFuel, allows you to sell washes at your gas pumps. The receipt prints out at the gas pump or inside the c-store with a wash code and expiration date.
Customers can redeem washes purchased at the fuel pump with the wash code at the car wash which is on the same property as the fuel station, from a fuel station next door, or even from a third-party fuel station across town.
Track and view the washes in reports from WashConnect®, ICS's POS Management System.
ICS Has Three Fuel Interface Options To Meet Your Needs:
Wired - A wired system is directly connected from the WashConnect® server to the fuel pump POS
Extended Distance - The extended distance interface is wired from the WashConnect® server through a communication box on both ends
Remote - The remote interface is connected from a computer at the fuel site, through a secure virtual private network (VPN) over the internet to the WashConnect® Server
NetFuel Interface Communicates With Almost Every Major Fuel Pump POS System.
Remote Fuel Pump Interface Configuration
The remote interface option makes it possible to sell washes from fuel pumps owned by someone else and redeem wash codes at your Auto Sentry. The remote option allows you to sell washes with just about every POS register from any major manufacturer like, Gilbarco.
The remote feature, uses a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to send information from the service station to your car wash. A VPN is a secure connection between two sites using the Internet. The wash code information is transmitted to your car wash in real-time, regardless of whether the service station is just across the street or miles away.
Connect to the service station's POS system via an ethernet-to-serial converter installing a power connection for the Internet Router. The Remote Fuel Interface module and an internet connection at the service station are all that's needed.